
Thursday, February 2, 2012

How To Declutter Your Home And Your Life; Minimalist Concepts To Help You Start Organizing Today

Book Description

When you look at your home, do you see a welcoming haven or a chaotic battleground? Without you even knowing, your possessions have taken over your living space right under your very nose. So now you’re confronted with the ultimate scuffle between you and your clutter. How do you plan to win the battle? For one, you need to draw up a battle plan. The truth of the matter is, you are not merely fighting for space here, in essence, you are also struggling to gain better control over your life. Let’s face it, living in the middle of a mess easily diminishes your joy of living and devalues your life as a whole. All that stuff no doubt weighs on you physically and mentally. A disorganized home also presents a hazardous place for you and your family. If you have grown weary and frustrated muddling through a thick pile of stuff to find certain things, then it’s time to take action. Surely, one can do without the unnecessary stress. So whether you are a pack rat, a clutter bug, a sentimental softie -- whatever label you want to use, you need a firm taskmaster and an encouraging mentor to get you out of a rut – and FAST! This eBook is an integral part of your arsenal in winning the war against clutter. First, it is designed to let you see things from a different perspective and gain a better understanding about the situation you have found yourself in. It doesn’t just tell you how to organize your stuff, but more importantly, it goes down to the very root cause of the problem. Clutter doesn’t have to be something you have to live with. This eBook teaches you how to get an upper hand over clutter once and for all. Feeling like waving that white flag and about to concede defeat? That’s not one of the options with this eBook. Sure, the battlefield may be field with “landmines”. This book is loaded with encouraging tips and helpful ideas so you can physically and mentally maneuver your way through the war zone with ease and confidence. A cluttered home breeds a cluttered mind. It’s time to take that positive, empowering action today! This eBook provides you clear-cut, no-nonsense advice on how to re-invent your living space and shows you the view from the other side – the tranquil and clutter-free home that you can proudly show off to your friends and family members. And who knows, a major spring cleaning may just be the right inspiration you need to make other strategic changes in your life! Beyond decluttering, the book also touches on finding happiness with lesser stuff – something everyone can definitely relate to. Based on the principle of minimalism, there are very insightful discussions on finding lifelong happiness beyond material possessions, beyond all the stuff and junk that we have surrounded ourselves with. It talks about editing and purging the unnecessary things and helping you define your person without all the material trappings and expensive ornaments. It can be quite daunting to finally come face to face with a mountain of junk that have accumulated all throughout the years. It’s going to be a long and ongoing battle. You definitely need to be fully armed and loaded. Have you have already psyched yourself up for the challenges ahead and declare an all-out war? It’s time to call in the reinforcements and shore up your defenses. It is worth all the effort? Definitely. Winning the war means gaining back that peace of mind and sense of tranquility that have eluded you for years. But most importantly, you will gain back firm control over your life as well as be able to provide a happy, sparkling and uncluttered home for your family.

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